CPSC 352
Plant and Animal Genetics
Credit: 4 hours
CPSC 432
Genetic Toxicology
Credit: 3 hours
ANSC 446
Population Genetics
Credit: 3+ hours
CPSC 452
Evolutionary Genetics and Genonmics
Credit: 3 hours
CPSC 462
Plant Molecular Biology
Credit: 1 hour
CPSC 465
Ethics in Biotechnology
Credit: 3 hours
CPSC 466
Genomics for Plant Improvement
Credit: 2 hours
CPSC 467
Plant Genomics
Credit: 1 hour
CPSC 468
Plant Proteomics
Credit: 1 hour
CPSC 469
Plant Metabolomics
Credit: 1 hour
IB 472
Plant Molecular Biology
Credit: 1 hour
PLPA 509
Molecular Biology of Microbe-Plant Interactions
Credit: 3 hours
CPSC 563
Credit: 3 hours
CPSC 566
Plant Gene Regulation
Credit: 4 hours
CPSC 568
Recombinant DNA Technology Lab
Credit: 2 hours